Amanda and Brad's wedding was a very special day for so many. I was so honored to be there for their engagement photos, Amanda's gorgeous bridal session and of course their big day (and wedding #25 for me!) ... I've seen her grow up next to my sister and turn into a beautiful woman! Brad couldn't have been a better match for her. A very precious couple. :)

I guess I can finally post Amanda's bridal photos! Mrs. Cooksey and I dragged the poor girl from Strawberry Alley to Madison Street Methodist to a farm in Sango... in her dress! :) But it was so worth it!

The light was so yummy in this last shot, and with such a beautiful bride?! ugh ... my favorite of the day.

THEN, we started the wedding day at Prodigy Salon where little sis, Lindsey, broke wedding hair poof records...

and my other also super talented sister, Sara, followed with makeup on Amanda and the bridesmaids. This was the first wedding that all three of us got to work on and it was just so fun! Nothing like the Halliburton VIP wedding package, eh? ;)

I LOVED the flowers... peacock feathers were tucked in the girls' boquets and many of the arrangements... complimenting all the turquoise accents.

Brad requested this one above... a favorite of mine.
and I loved this one below of the flower girls during prayer...

I love this shot Margo snatched up during the father-daughter dance. :)

Yes, we can even squeeze in a little participation in the wedding activities... good job, Poohead.

It's always good to see the parents having a blast.:)
Be sure to view more wedding moments here. Best wishes to Amanda and Brad!

i found you through jessica's blog. these are amazing. the booty grab is a priceless shot.
Shea. . .these are absolutely amazing!! I especially love the bridal with the awesome light. . . STUNNING! It was so great getting together last night. . . I had such a great time meeting you . . . call when your in town again :-)
I agree w/ paula regarding the "booty grab" shot....hysterical!!! Love your work!
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