At what age did we start caring about a little sucker juice running down our bellies? Recently, I photographed my good friend's little man... Cater Day. It's always quite the adventure chasing around toddlers, trying to focus, meter the light, and think about composition all at once... but it's so rewarding when you get that one great shot out of 50! I wasn't sure how many we would even be able to shoot when I arrived... at first sight of my giant frame (his parents are a good half foot shorter than me)... he screamed and ran out of the room. He couldn't even look at me for a good 20 minutes, even after I removed my shoes and crawled around on my knees. It was hilarious. You would have thought I came in his room and punched him. Ha ha... After a little playtime and his dad showing up with a big bundle of red balloons, he didn't care much about the giant photographer anymore and we went outside to play...

This one cracks me up... we were just playing in his room and his mom turned on the dancing spider-man... he immediately ran to the wall and glued himself there, staring at spidey in fear. It was so funny... I couldn't quit laughing, poor thing was horrified. And of course, after lots of playing outside, we needed a cartoon break. Typical guy. You can tell I was standing in the way of his favorite show. Ha.

And then a little dinner... and bath time. (How cute is his little blow-up ducky bath tub?!) Whew. After over 700 photos, Carter and I were both worn out. :)

1 comment:
Great work AND great story line. You rock the photos!
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