Sunday, November 9, 2008

these boots were made for...

being BEHIND a camera.

My good friend and awesome photographer, Jessica Wright, and I played a fun little game... put ourselves in FRONT of a lens for once, to see what it really feels like. um... akward! Actually it was really beneficial to see what my clients experience while I'm shouting out commands to 'be yourself' and 'stand like you always do' and 'throw your head back and laugh out loud with your mouth open, duh!' errr... sorry guys! :) I now realize how paralyzing it is to be in front of a camera... how you forget how to stand and blink (or not blink) and where to put your hands? haha. Jessica did such a great job as we stumbled through our little 'me-sessions' and she actually came out with some cute shots (as cute as you find photos of yourself to be). Thanks Jess... it was a fun afternoon, a great learning experience and I'm glad we don't have to do this again soon. Haha.


Unknown said...

Aww! Look at you, pretty Boom! :)

Jessica said...

shea you can't take a bad picture! you look so cute! thanks for my photos are such a fabulous photographer!

Brian T. Murphy said...

I dig these. and this is a good idea. I need to do this soon.